Our Programs

Full Hearts Lab creates and delivers research-based programs focused on finding solid mental health support for families with young children. Our range of clinical research studies aim to nurture parental mental health, encourage positive parenting practices, and enhance family well-being.

Every tool, skill, and strategy is informed by our core beliefs:

  1. Everyone is doing the best they can.

  2. Change takes effort and time.

  3. Each one of us deserves love, support, and connection.

  4. Emotions communicate incredibly important information.

  5. There are so many wonderful, healthy, perfect ways to parent.

Discover more about our range of programs.

Find one that meets you and your family's needs

Building Regulation In Dual Generations

Supporting Parent And Child Emotional Well-Being

Building Emotional Awareness and Mental Well-Being

Single Session consultation for parents of Young Kids


Group Support for Parents Navigating Depression (thebridgeproject.ca)

The BRIDGE program spans over 16 weeks, offering a nurturing space for parents navigating general distress and depression. Through weekly group telehealth sessions, BRIDGE helps you realize you're not alone, creating a community of understanding and support.

BRIDGE is built on the rich, foundational therapy insights of Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT). DBT is a form of talk therapy based in part on the teachings of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). However, DBT is specifically attuned to the unique issues faced by individuals who feel things more intensely than others.

In addition to weekly talk sessions, BRIDGE participants have access to videos and worksheets to help address and improve parenting skills and approaches, especially in emotionally charged situations. Weekly short surveys serve as a time of reflection, and help participants track their journey towards greater well-being.

Explore the benefits of BRIDGE by taking the eligibility screener [link to eligibility screener].

Group Support for Parents of Emotionally Expressive Children

Navigating the emotional tides of our children is sometimes the most challenging aspect of parenthood. But the beauty of the parent-child bond is its potential to weather any storm, learn its lessons, and blossom through understanding. SPACE invites parents to come together, learn, and grow. 

We've designed SPACE to meet the unique needs of families in which children's emotions run deep and strong, aiming to turn challenges into the stepping stones that build emotionally resilient children, stronger relationships, and, ultimately, stronger families and communities. 

In SPACE, parents learn skills focused on emotional expression (their own and their child's), which helps foster a nurturing environment that allows expression, addresses immediate behavioral and emotional needs, and lays the foundation for a lifetime of healthy relationships. SPACE helps cultivate positive, empowered, understanding parents, which benefits the entire family.



App-based program focused on family mental health & family relationships (thebeamprogram.com)

BEAM is a 12-week program designed for parents experiencing mental health challenges. With the flexibility for today's busy families, the BEAM app offers videos, interactive forums, engaging activities, and progress monitoring. BEAM aims to address more than just the average parental tips and ideas, offering an easy-to-navigate roadmap through the challenges of anxiety, depression, and anger within the family, as well as the sleep issues these challenges often make worse. 

We've designed every aspect of BEAM to address the diversity of family dynamics and ensure a personalized experience. With our community partners, we continually refine BEAM to make sure the program and accompanying app is accessible and inclusive. Full Hearts Lab envisions BEAM as a space where every interaction propels you and your family closer to lifelong positive mental health and nurturing relationships.

Single Session Coaching for Families on NDD Waitlists

Parenting a child with neurodevelopmental disorders often presents a blend of emotions and challenges. SPYKids is our way of extending a supportive hand whenever it's needed, right from the start. 

SPYKids is especially for families on waiting lists to join one of our other programs. These coaching sessions are one-on-one conversations about coping with stress, embracing the parenting journey, and maintaining a positive outlook in an effort to empower families and offer hope.


Caring for small children is a journey filled with tender joys and demanding challenges. Every Full Hearts Lab program was born of the belief that every parent is doing their very best, and there's more than one way to embrace the beauty of parenthood. Full Hearts Lab firmly believes that families can flourish with the right tools and when surrounded by a supportive community. Every family deserves mental wellness, and we'd be honored to walk beside you on your journey toward mental health, stability, and well-being.